The following are program design terms used in subsequent sections with brief explanations:
• Single-set system: performing one set of a given exercise (as opposed to performing multiple sets of an exercise)
• Multiple-set systems (standard exercise order): performing multiple sets of an exercise before moving on to subsequent exercises
• Complex set: combining a strength exercise followed by a power exercise (e.g., squats followed by depth jumps)
• Compound set: performing 2 – 3 exercises for similar muscle groups
• Circuit training: performing one set of multiple exercises before repeating
• Supersets: performing alternating exercises for opposing muscle groups
• Pyramid loading: increasing training load progressively and then decreasing
• Drop sets: performing a set to muscular failure with a given load and continuing immediately with additional sets at a lighter load
• Heavy negatives: performing eccentric-only work with a load greater than concentric 1RM
• Forced reps: performing additional reps past volitional fatigue with the help of a spotter
• Cluster sets: also known as rest-pause sets, utilize inter repetition rest intervals of 10 – 30
• Accommodating resistance: incorporating bands and chains to free weight exercises to exert isokinetic resistance throughout the full range of motion
• Partial range of motion: performing an exercise in partial ranges of motion to increase strength at a particular joint angle
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